Sunday School: Classes for adults, and children are available during the Fall, Winter, and Spring. Adult class begins at 11:00am. Children are excused during the worship service to attend class.
Youth Group: Tweens Group: Held every Sunday evening at 7:00pm. Currently on hold. More information to come.
Small Group: This group meets for Bible study every 3rd Sunday from 5:00pm - 7:00pm. They participate in social occasions, prayer meetings, outreach and community service all in a desire to grow closer in relationship with one another and for support needed to live and grow in the Lord. They share a meal together before the study so please bring a dish to share. All are welcome! This group is taking a break. New dates/time will be updated later.
Monday Morning Women's Bible Study: The ladies meet from 9:30-11:00am on Monday mornings.This group is currently taking a break.
Wednesday Evening Adult Bible Study: We will be meeting at the Parsonage every Wednesday night at 7:00pm. A new study will be announced soon. We are currently taking a break.
Vacation Bible School: For one week in the month of June Keswick UMC participates in a community vacation bible school for children (Grades K-5). We are partnered with other area churches to provide a wonderful program that reaches approximately 100 children each year. For more information please click on the VBS tab.
Haiti: Keswick has been instrumental in providing funding and support in the building of water wells and orphanges in Haiti. Many of our members financially support and pay for the education tuitions of Haitian children in the St. Marc area.
Cru: (formerly known as Student Venture) A local non-denominational ministry reaching out to area high school and middle school aged youth.
Leelanau Christian Neighbors/Food & Baby Pantry: Funds and donations are continually provided to this local assistance ministry.
Monthly Missions: Throughout the year we focus on monthly mission opportunities providing assistance to Local needs, Remain in Touch Prison Program, Haiti orphanage and well drilling ministries, Appalachia Service Project, LIFT (Suttons Bay after school program), Northport Indian Mission, Safe Harbor Homeless ministry, Remain In Touch (prison program), Cru, and Leelanau Christian Neighbors Food and Baby Pantry